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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2010年(平成21年度) Iグループ


Landscape in expressway using of indigenous seedlings for conservation of biodiversity


  • (株)高速道路総合技術研究所,(株)高速道路総合技術研究所 緑化技術センター
  • Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co., Ltd., Greening Technology Center , NERI
高速道路におけるのり面の緑化は,周辺の自然植生への影響を考慮すると,その地域に自生する植物を使用することが望ましい. ただし,地域性苗木の使用には,種子採取・保存,発芽,育苗,植樹のノウハウが無いなどの課題があった.
When an expressway is planned for an area of significant natural beauty, roadside banks is regarded as an important place to measure for conservation and to minimize the impact, conservation of flora and fauna.
Landscape in expressway using of indigenous seedlings is developed as a practical system of regional nursery that consisted seed, nurture seedlings and vegetation of bank. Indigenous seedlings are grown using seeds of trees local to the area. This approach promotes biodiversity by maintaining local flora at the genetic level.
The seeds collection and planting seedlings contribute to regional alliances and environmental education as leading to the active participation of community residents.

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