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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2016年(平成27年度) 【新設】


The Okegawa Viaduct


  • 東日本高速道路(株)関東支社、三井住友建設(株)・(株)ピーエス三菱特定工事共同企業体、(株)ドーユー大地、西松建設(株)、(株)大林組
  • East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office. Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. P.S.Mitsubishi Construction Co., Ltd.-JV, Doyu Daichi Co., Ltd., NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION Co., Ltd., OBAYASHI CORPORATION
桶川高架橋は、首都圏中央連絡自動車道の桶川加納IC 〜菖蒲PA間に位置する連続高架橋で、総延長約3.2kmのPC多径間連続箱桁橋である。
The Okegawa viaduct is a PC multi-span continuous box girder bridg, a total length of approximately 3.2km along the Metropolitan Inter- City Expressway, between the Okegawa-kano Interchange and Shobu rest area.
 To shorten construction periods, precast concrete segments are adopted for this bridge whose webs were designed as butterfly-shaped concrete panels. The RC columns with interlocking hoops were selected in the substructure.
  This bridge with durability and earthquake resistance was constructed in a short period using the best of bridge technology, and it can contribute significantly to the development of bridge technology, and deserves the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award.

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