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田中賞 作品部門

Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2014年(平成25年度) 【新設】


Bridges in the Hirose-gawa Area


  • 仙台市交通局、株式会社ドーコン、ピーエス三菱・富士ピーエス・東日本コンクリート共同企業体
  • Transportation Bureau City of Sendai, Docon Co., Ltd., JV of P.S. Mitsubishi Construction Co., Ltd.,Fuji P.S. Co., Ltd., and Higashinihon Concrete Co., Ltd.
The Hirosegawa Bridge and Nishikoen Viaduct are railway bridges in Sendai Subway Tozai Line, crossing the Hirosegawa River and Nishikoen Park. Sendai City held a design competition and these bridges were selected. It was the first design competition for railway bridges in Japan.
The feature of this design concept was converting the "annoying bridges that cut through the park" into a "stage for new activities".
The considerations for excellent aesthetic design and new structural idea in this bridge that should contribute significantly to the development of future bridge technology deserve the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award.

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