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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2010年(平成21年度) Iグループ

阪神高速道路 神戸山手線『神戸高速鉄道交差部開削トンネル工事』

Design and Construction of Large-Scale Underpinning Hanshin Expressway Kobe-Yamate Route
Cut and Cover Tunnel Construction in the Kobe Rapid Transit Railway crossing section

国内最大の仮受け工事の計画と施工<br>阪神高速道路 神戸山手線『神戸高速鉄道交差部開削トンネル工事』

  • 神戸高速鉄道(株),阪神高速道路(株),鹿島・奥村・佐藤・森・ハンシン建設工事共同企業体
  • Kobe Rapid Transit Railway Co.,Ltd., Hanshin Expressway Co.,Ltd., Kajima,Okumura,Sato,Mori,Hanshin J.V.
This is the Japan’s largest underpinning for constructing a new underground expressway, directly under the existing subway structure in service. The displacement controlling value of the subway structure was so small that the conventional technology cannot handle the situation. However, the technology development of the "Automatic control system for underpinning" and the "Underpinning construction equipment" overcome the difficulties and enabled the expressway structure to be safely completed The introduction of these newly developed technologies resulted in a drastic improvement in safety of under pinning work, and they are expected to be applied to similar future projects.

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