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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award



Development of the Speedy Construction Method “Sui-Sui-MOP” for Grade-Separated Crossings at Intersections, which Minimizes Traffic Congestion during Construction

Development of the Speedy Construction Method “Sui-Sui-MOP” for Grade-Separated Crossings at Intersections, which Minimizes Traffic Congestion during Construction

  • 大下 武志,竹口 昌弘,中谷 眞二,浅野 均
  • Takeshi OSHITA(Public Works Research Institute), Masahiro TAKEGUCH(I Public Works Research Institute), Shinji NAKAYA(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Bridge and Steel Structures Engineering Co., Ltd.)and Hitoshi ASANO(TODA Corp.)
すいすいMOP工法は、慢性的な交通渋滞が発生している交差点に、工事に伴う交通渋滞を大幅に緩和しながら短期間で立体高架橋を構築するための工法で、モジュール桁という橋桁のコンパクト化技術をベースとしたものである。本工法は、工期短縮だけでなく、外部コスト(交通渋滞や排出ガス等を金額換算したもの)の大幅な低減も可能で、高架橋区間450m・幅員16mを想定した従来工法との比較では、52%の工期短縮が図れると共に、施工ヤード縮小による右折車線確保により工事中の渋滞を大幅に緩和でき、外部コストを94%も低減可能である。本工法は、慢性的に大渋滞が発生している2つの交差点立体化工事に適用され、大幅な工期短縮と工事中の渋滞緩和、及び恒久的な渋滞解消を実現し社会に貢献している。 "Sui-Sui-MOP" speedy construction method is suitable for constructing grade-separated crossings at congested intersections. Applying module elements, a construction period and traffic congestion caused by traffic restrictions during construction can be reduced. Therefore, by applying this new method, projectrelated social loss (calculated based on time losses, fuel consumption and environmental loads caused by traffic congestions) can be drastically reduced. According to the calculation of social loss based on the construction of a 450m long x 16m wide bridge, the Sui-Sui MOP method can reduce the construction period by 52 percent and social loss by 94 percent compared to ordinal methods. The above method has so far been applied to two projects; constant traffic congestion and the construction periods have been significantly reduced, which has contributed to society.

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