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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2007年(平成18年度) IIグループ


Construction of A Breakwater Built at The Deepest Water Site in The World


  • 国土交通省東北地方整備局釜石港湾事務所
  • Kamaishi Port Office, Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
釜石港湾口地区防波堤整備事業は、津波被害からの防護及び湾内静穏度の確保を目的に整備された一大プロジェクトである。湾口防波堤は、大水深・高波浪での建設に加え、地震による津波防護の目的から、防波堤の設計に際し地震応答解析・各種模型実験等様々な検討を行い、ケーソン本体はもとより捨石マウンドや基礎地盤を含めて、防波堤としては、初めての本格的な耐震設計を導入した防波堤である。また、我が国の港湾構造物建設史上例を見ない大水深下での施工であり、精度良く施工を行うため、誘導装置や航行管理機器を装備した底開式捨石投入船の建造や、天端面の捨石投入と均し作業を同時に行う捨石均し装置の開発・実用化が図られ、土木技術の発展にも寄与したものである。 The construction project of a breakwater at the mouth of Kamaishi bay is tremendously significant, the purpose of which is to protect from tsunamis and to ensure calmness within the bay. This breakwater construction is the first case to apply a practical seismic design to a rubble mound and foundation as well as caissons. In designing it, many investigations were conducted, including a seismic response analysis and various model tests, in view of construction at a deep-water and high waves site and protection from tsunamis. It is also recognized that the project has made a contribution to the development of civil engineering. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, the construction of the breakwater at such a deep-water site is unprecedented in the history of harbor structures construction in Japan, and secondly, in order to construct it precisely, the building of a hopper barge, development and practical use of a specific device for rubble leveling have been achieved.

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