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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2018年(平成29年度) IIグループ


The recovery work of the National Highway Rt. 274 and Doto Expressway from the damage resulting from the heavy rainfall in August, 2016, which promptly reopened the routes.


  • 国土交通省北海道開発局室蘭開発建設部日高道路事務所、国土交通省北海道開発局帯広開発建設部帯広道路事務所、東日本高速道路(株)北海道支社帯広管理事務所、R274日勝峠災害復旧関連工事推進協議会、日勝峠復旧工事連絡協議会
  • Hidaka Road Office, Muroran Development and Construction Dept., Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau (HRDB), MLIT; Obihiro Road Office, Obihiro Development and Construction Dept., HRDB, MLIT; Obihiro Operation Office, Hokkaido Regional Head Office, NEXCO Co., Ltd.; Rt. 274 Nissho Pass Section Recovery Work Development Association; Rt. 274 Nissho Pass Section Recovery Work Liaison Council.
国道の日勝峠では、早期復旧に向けて被災状況の調査・設計を行い、同時に通年で多数の復旧工事を進め、官民連携により総力をあげて事業を進めた結果、約1年2 ヶ月の短期間で通行止めを解除させた。道東自動車道では、土砂除去等の復旧を作業開始から僅か1日足らずで完了させ、不通となっていた道東圏と道央圏の交通を確保した。また、通行止めとなった直轄国道の代替路として無料通行措置を実施した。
In 2016, the Nissho Pass section of the National Highway Rt. 274 suffered serious damage including roadway and bridge destruction, which were caused by record heavy rainfalls in August. Thanks to the cooperative efforts of public and private sections, Rt. 274 recovered its logistics function as an arterial road after 14
months’ closure, an amazingly short period, considering its serious damage. The Doto Expressway that parallels Rt. 274 was also damaged by mudflows and road surface depression, but it could reopen after mere one-day closure due to intensive recovery work. The swift recovery of the routes is highly evaluated to secure logistics between central and east Hokkaido.

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