2009年06月01日   The 11th JSCE International Summer Symposium 論文募集 土木学会国際室が主体となって毎夏に行っているインターナショナルサマーシンポジウムのご案内を 差し上げます. このシンポジウムは、土木学会の国際活動のうち海外からの留学生支援活動の一環として行われてお り,今年で11年目を迎えます.英語での研究成果の発表の機会を設けることにより、日本に滞在中 の留学生・エンジニアを中心に、国際交流と相互理解を深める目的で企画されたものです。第11回目 となる今年度のシンポジウムは,9月11日に東京工業大学(大岡山キャンパス)にて開催されます. 土木計画学関連でも,D-1) Urban and Regional Planning, D-2) Transportation, D-3) Landscape Engineering and Design, D-4) Historical studies in Civil Engineering, D-5) Others related to Planning, の各ジャンルで論文の投稿を受け付けます.  論文締切は,6月1日です. 日本滞在中の留学生の発表の場,あるいは,日本人学生の英語発表の場として,多くの皆さまからの ご投稿をお待ち申し上げております. The 11th JSCE International Summer Symposium  開催日:2009年9月11日(金)  場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス  参加登録費:2000円/人  申込み方法:下記より申請フォームをダウンロードし,        内容記入後,土木学会柳川様(yanagawa@jsce.or.jp        Fax: 03-5379-2769)まで送付のこと.  http://www.jsce-int.org/iss/11th_iss/Registration_Form-ISS2009.doc  論文投稿期限:6月1日,論文フォーマットは下記よりダウンロード可能  http://www.jsce-int.org/iss/11th_iss/Instructions_for_the_Preperation_of_Papers-ISS2009.doc  (昨年度より匿名審査員による査読が行われるようになりました.) 下記に英文での案内も併記いたしますので,留学生等への案内を行っていただけますと幸いです. ------------------------------------------------------- The 11th International Summer Symposium Call for Papers http://www.jsce-int.org/iss/11th_iss/call_for_papers_iss2009.shtml *Organized by The International Activities Committee (JSCE) *Date: September 11, 2009 *Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) *Topics The topics cover 7 technical categories and their subcategories of civil engineering: A-1) Applied Mechanics, A-2) Structural Engineering, A-3) Earthquake Engineering, A-4) Wind Engineering, A-5) Others related to Structural Engineering, B-1) Hydraulic Engineering, B-2) River Engineering, B-3) Coastal Engineering, B-4) Water Resource Engineering, B-5) Environmental Hydraulics, B-6) Others related to Hydraulics, C-1) Soil Mechanics, C-2) Rock Engineering, C-3) Foundation Engineering, C-4) Environmental Geotechnics, C-5) Others related to Geotechnical Engineering, D-1) Urban and Regional Planning, D-2) Transportation, D-3) Landscape Engineering and Design, D-4) Historical studies in Civil Engineering, D-5) Others related to Planning, E-1) Civil Engineering Materials, E-2) Pavement Engineering, E-3) Concrete Engineering, E-4) Others related to Materials, F-1) Construction Management, F-2) Construction Technology, F-3) Others related to Management and Construction Technology, G-1) Environmental Planning and Management, G-2) Environmental System, G-3) Water and Wastewater System, G-4) Environmental Conservation, G-5) Others related to Environment. *Submission Details 1) Full Papers must be submitted with a Registration Form. Papers and Registration Forms should be typed in English. *Please download "Registration Form (http://www.jsce-int.org/iss/11th_iss/Registration_Form-ISS2009.doc)" and "Instructions for preparation of papers (http://www.jsce-int.org/iss/11th_iss/Instructions_for_the_Preperation_of_Papers-ISS2009.doc)" from JSCE English Website (http://www.jsce-int.org), fill the form and send to Symposium Secretariat by e-mail yanagawa@jsce.or.jp or fax 03-5379-2769. 2) Papers must be submitted by June 1st, 2009 to the International Affairs Section, JSCE. The allowable maximum number of papers by the same author(s) is limited to two. 3) The submitted papers will be reviewed by the International Activities Committee. The decision of the Committee will be informed by e-mail or fax to the presenting authors by the early of July. An acceptance letter, comments from reviewers, and the information on the registration fee will be sent to the authors. 4)Modified Papers must be submitted and registration fee must be paid by the early of August to the International Affairs Section, JSCE. 5)Registration fee and Payment Participants are charged 2,000 yen for registration. The registration fee must be paid prior to the event day just after participants receive the acceptance letter for submitted papers. The detailed information on registration fee payment will be provided in the acceptance letter. Without paying the registration fee by the deadline, the corresponding papers will not be accepted. One proceeding will be provided to authors of one paper. Proceedings will also be provided to the participants by paying the registration fee at the registration desk on the event day. A Drinking & Uniting Party will also be provided free of charge for all participants. Note that details may be subject to change. The updated information will be notified. Please see our website (http://www.jsce-int.org/iss.shtml). *Important Dates *June 1, 2009 Deadline of Full Papers, submitted with "Registration Form" *Early of July JSCE will send "Acceptance Letter", Comments from Reviewers, Information on Registration Fee Payment *Early of August Submission of Modified Papers *September 11, 2009 Symposium *Contact Mr. Hiroyuki YANAGAWA International Affairs Section, JSCE e-mail: yanagawa@jsce.or.jp Fax: 03-5379-2769