A Study on the Design of Web-Centric Road Lifecycle System

Based on New Information Technologies

馬 智亮

Ma Zhiliang


北京 100084 海淀区清華園 mazl@tsinghua.edu.cn/

〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町



Yoshito Itoh


〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町



【Abstract】In order to realize the construction CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support), it is important not only to digitize the related information, but also to use new technologies like network and database to develop dedicated systems. In this paper, the design of a web-centric road lifecycle system is explored in the background of CALS for road. The system takes the form of a hybrid system, in which a dedicated groupware and existing GISs (Geographic Information System) are integrated. The adoption of new information technologies, including component technology, middleware technology and server side script technology in the system development seems to contribute to the low cost and high function of the system.


【Keywords】Road, Lifecycle, Geographic Information System, System Design, Internet