A Function of Transportation Information and the Subject for Improvement in a Disaster for Heavy Snow
高野 伸栄 Shin-ei TAKANO 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北見区北13条西8丁目
加賀屋 誠一 Seiich KAGAYA 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北見区北13条西8丁目
佐藤 馨一 Keiich SATOH 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北見区北13条西8丁目
<Abstract>In this study, we consider a function of transportation information in the disaster for heavy snow at Sapporo City area. We investigate a change of transportation act and how to get transportation information in the disaster. In conclusion, people want a precise information which is valuable for a transportation act, not consummatory. And Open-gate System is valid for the goal.
<Keywords>disaster, transportation information, disaster information system