Development of an Observation System for Avalanche Danger by using Fuzzy Reasoning
竹内 則雄 Norio TAKEUCHI 明星大学理工学部土木工学科 〒191 東京都日野市程久保2-1-1
森末 晴男 Haruo MORISUE 佐藤工業(株)技術本部 〒103 東京都中央区日本橋本町4-12-20
矢田 敬 Kei YADA 佐藤工業(株)技術本部 〒103 東京都中央区日本橋本町4-12-20
川井 忠彦 Tadahiko KAWAI 東京理科大学工学部電気工学科 〒162 東京都新宿区神楽坂1-3
<Abstract>Objective of this study is to prevent a disaster of the snow avalanche which has an increasing tendency every year in the certain skiing ground periphery. The time and a place of snow avalanche occurrence need to be estimated, to enforce refuge advice to a skier. An observation system was developed by utilizing fuzzy reasoning that a weather condition and the lay of the land condition are used in this study. Furthermore, the destination of snow avalanche was predicted for refuge advice. Analysis of snow avalanche motion on 3 dimensional lay of the lands was proposed by using Perla's model and was incorporated into the observation system. The possibility of the estimation to the risk of snow avalanche was able to be shown.
<Keywords>snow avalanche, fuzzy reasoning, observation system, danger, snow avalanche motion