CG Animation for Computer Integrated Construction Management
福地 良彦 Yoshihiko Fukuchi (株)鴻池組 土木本部土木設計部技術設計課 〒541 大阪市中央区北久宝寺町3-6-1
小林 一郎 Ichiro Kobayashi 熊本大学工学部環境システム工学科
<Abstract>Computer graphics animation systems provide the ability to integrate on-site engineers* expertise into design systems as well as construction management processes. Computer graphics animation improves coordination and communication among engineering, construction and client organizations. The expedited communication leads to a substantial improvement of quality and productivity in the AEC industry. Computer graphics animation makes it possible to move through the design objects and view the proposed facility interactively in virtual environment. In this way, all participants can work as a team beyond their specific interests. A collaborative work environment is created. The paper introduces the application of computer graphics animation as a tool for the construction management in terms of computer integrated construction, evaluates the role and proposes recommendations for the application. In order to verify the effectiveness of the application, case studies were performed in a dam construction, an urban redevelopment project in Osaka, and a highway reconstruction project in Kobe.
<Keywords>Computer Graphics, Animation, Computer Integrated Construction, Construction Management, Personal Computer, CAD, Construction