A Neural-Kalman Filtering Method for Estimating Road conditions in Winter
Nasser Pourmoallem Nasser Pourmoallem 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
藤原 隆 Takashi FUJIWARA 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
中辻 隆 Takashi NAKATSUJI 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
萩原 亨 Toru HAGIWARA 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
<Abstract>A new estimation method that integrated a neural network model into the Kalman filter was developed. Both the state and the observation equations in the Kalman filter were described by a multilayer neural network model. This method made it possible to represent nonlinear and unsteady problems mathematically, which were so far almost impossible to formulate analytically. The method was applied to the prediction of slipperiness of road surface in winter. In this paper, it was discussed how both the equations of the Kalman filter were expressed by a neural network model and how effective the new method was in predicting the skid number of road surface in winter.
<Keywords>Kalman filter, Neural network model, skid number, winter maintenance, snow and ice control