An Consideration Analysis Method for Free Writhig Document with KW-Method
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亂彺榐亃杮尋媶偺栚揑偼丆怴暦丆嶨帍摍偺搳峞婰帠傗僷僜僐儞捠怣偺揹巕夛媍幒偺堄尒岎姺側偳儊僨傿傾忋偵偍偗傞晄掕宆側帺桼婰弎暥傪僨乕僞儀乕僗壔偟丆搊榐暥復傪僉乕儚乕僪偵傛偭偰峔憿壔丆悢検壔偡傞偙偲偵傛偭偰丆愽嵼揑側堄幆峔憿傪掕検揑偵攃埇偡傞庤朄傪峔抸偡傞偙偲偱偁傞丏 杮尋媶偱偼丆帺桼婰弎暥僨乕僞儀乕僗偺撪梕暘愅偑堄幆挷嵏偵偍偄偰丆桳岠偱偁傞偙偲傪惍棟偟丆偝傜偵暥復僨乕僞偺悢検揑側峔憿壔庤朄偲偟偰俲倂暘椶朄偺揔梡傪峴偭偨丏偦偟偰丆嬶懱揑側椺偲偟偰僀儞僴僂僗僄儞僕僯傾栤戣傪懳徾偲偟丆俲倂暘椶朄偵傛傞寢壥傪僋儘僗廤寁偲悢検壔燹椶偵傛偭偰暘愅偟偨丏偦偺寢壥丆僀儞僴僂僗僄儞僕僯傾栤戣偵懳偟偰丆嬈柋偺憹戝偵敽偆儅僯儏傾儖壔傗媄弍椡偺掅壓傪栤戣偺拞怱偲偡傞堄幆峔憿偑偁傞傕偺偲棟夝偝傟丆杮尋媶偺僾儘僙僗偑帺桼婰弎暥偺僨乕僞儀乕僗傪梡偄偨堄幆暘愅偵棙梡偱偒傞偙偲偑傢偐偭偨丏
<Abstract>The opinions at the newspaper, the magazine and an electronic conference(BBS) is valuable source for understanding people*s considerations. However, because of these opinions is irregular, a quantitative analysis of those opinions is difficult. The purpose of the this research is to construct the technique of i) structuralizeby using key word. ii) quantify. iii) understanding people*s subconsciousness structure. We analyzed Inn-House Engineer problem by using the KW(key word) method and Quantification 燹. As a result, we discerned being able the use of The KW method to analyze such problems.
<Keywords>Free Writing Documents, Key-Word Analysis, Context Analysis, Inn House Engineer, Consideration Analysis, Cross Sectional Analysis, Quantification 燹