Construction and Management of Civil Engineering Term Database System
今 尚之 Naoyuki KON 小樽商科大学商学部社会情報科 〒047 小樽市緑3-5-21
高野 伸栄 Shin-ei TAKANO 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
佐藤 馨一 Keiichi SATOH 北海道大学工学部土木工学科 〒060 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
<Abstract>It is very difficult to select technical terms in civil engineering, whichis composed a wide special area. Therefore, a using of the database system is demanded for efficient work. It is required of adjust construction and management of the databasesystem to "quality", "comprise", "quantity", "quicklime", "cooperation". This study describes construction and management of the database system which is for selection of civil engineering terms. We can select tems for the database system rationally and efficiently.
<Keywords>civil engineering term database, selection of terms, support for selection of tems, operating of database system