An Application of Computer Animation to Traffic Flow Analysis Based on Data from Roadside Detectors
小谷 通泰 Michiyasu ODANI 神戸商船大学 〒658 神戸市東灘区深江南町5-1-1
新居 雄高 Yutaka NII 神戸商船大学大学院 〒658 神戸市東灘区深江南町5-1-1
<Abstract>This paper aims to describe a method of applying computer animation to traffic flow analysis on a trunk road network in an urban area based on data collected by 1053 of roadside detectors installed within the area. The data consists of such indices as traffic volume of vehicles, average speed and time-occupancy which is observed every 5 minutes throughout a day. Changes during a day not only in these three indices, but also in shortest travel paths and times estimated on the data is visualized on the road network in a form of computer animation for dynamic analysis.
<Keywords>trunk road network, traffic congestion, computer animation, shortest path, visualization, vehicle detector