A Fundamental Study of Developing Japan Highway Data Model | |||
$B;3:j!!85Li(J | Motoya YAMASAKI | $BF|K\F;O)8xCD;n838&5f=j!!5;=Q>pJs2]D9(J | $B")(J194-8508 $BEl5~ETD.ED;TCi@8(J1-4-1 |
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$B@iMU!!MN0lO:(J | Yoichiro CHIBA | $B%Q%7%U%#%C%/%3%s%5%k%?%s%D-j!!(JCALS$B%;%s%?!<(J | $B")(J260-8850$B!!El5~ETB?K`;T4X8M(J1-7-5 |
$B9qEZ$N7z@_$+$i9qEZ$N%^%M%8%a%s%H$X$N@/:v$NE>49!$7z@_(JCALS/EC$B$N?JE8$KH<$$!$F;O);v6H$K$*$$$F$b>pJs2=$N?d?J$,5a$a$i$l$F$$$k!#F;O)$N4IM}>pJs$H$O!$4IM}$7$F$$$kF;O)$N!$7W2h!&@_7W;~E@$K$*$1$k>pJs!$9=C[$5$l$?F;O)$N9=B$$H4v2?7A>u!$;\9);~$N>r7o$HIJpJs$J$I$,4^$^$l$k!#$3$l$i$N>pJs$O!$;v6H%i%$%U%5%$%/%kA4HL$KOK$C$F6&M-!&3hMQ$9$Y$->pJs$G$"$j!$F;O);v6H$N%U%'!<%:$N?JE8$KH<$C$F!$? | |||
<Abstract> As the policy has been changed from land development to land administration and the CALS / EC in civil engineering has been improved, advanced information management is required in road construction works as well. The information for road administration includes the information of the road at the stages of planning and design, the structure and configuration of the constructed road, the conditions and quality when undergoing construction, traffic services for the users, and the information of repair and improvement. These kinds of information should be shared and utilized throughout the life cycle, and is to be more detailed as the road construction works progress. In this study, the road data model is discussed for utilizing integrally the CAD data, which is the base of the road information management, and the corresponding attribute data. | |||
$B!Z%-!<%o!<%I![(J CAD , CALS , XML , UML , GIS | |||
<Keywords> CAD , CALS , XML , UML , GIS |