
The Fourth International Summer Symposium Organized by International Activities Committee(JSCE)

The International Symposium provides a platform forover seas students and engineers in Japan to present, discuss and exchange their research interest in English.The overseas students and engineers are sincerely encouraged to participate in this Symposium.

1.Date 3 August,2002
2.Venue Engineering Building No.5, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University(Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan)
3.Registration fee An attendant will be charged 2000 Yen at the registration desk on the event day.A proceeding will be provided to the attendant. Also, Drinking & Uniting Party will be provided free of charge for all attendants.
4.For more information
Contact Associate Profess or Junji KIYONO (kiyono@quake.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp)or Mr.Naoyuki KUMAGAI(kuma@jsce.or.jp),or refer to the homepage of JSCE English Website(http://www.jsce.or.jp).
5.Program(Note:The Program out lined hereafter may be subject to change)
10:15-10:20Opening Ceremony(Room201)
10:30-12:30Session I
Room201:Structural Engineering / Construction Management I
Room203:Earthquake Engineering
Room205:Hydraulics and Hydrology I
Room207:Environment and Others I
Room307:Urban Planning and Transportation I
Room401:Geotechnical Engineering I
14:00-15:15Keynote Lecture(Room201)
15:30-17:30Session II
Room201:Structural Engineering / Construction Management II
Room205:Hydraulics and Hydrology II
Room207:Environment and Others II
Room307:Urban Planning and Transportation II
Room401:Geotechnical Engineering II
Room405:Geotechnical Engineering III
18:00-Drinking & Uniting Party(at Co-op Restaurant in Kyoto University)
Hotel Reservation The Welcome Inn Reservation Assistance service helps you to find and book economical acommodations. Please visit the website at http://www.itcj.or.jp and book are servation by yourself.
