
1.ASCE(米国土木学会)American Society or Civil Engineers
2.CCES(中国土木工程学会)China Civil Engineering Society
3.CICHE(中国土木水利工程学会)Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
4.CNISF(フランス科学・技術者会議)Consei1 National des Ingenieurs et des Scientifiques de France
5.CSCE(カナダ土木学会)Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
6.ECCE(ヨーロッパ土木技術者評議会)European Council of Civil Engineers
7.EIT(タイ工学会)The Engineering Institute of Thailand
8.FECIC(メキシコ土木学会)The Mexican Federation of Civi1 Engineers Institutions
9.HKIE(香港工程師学会)The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
10.ICE(英国土木学会)The Institution of Civi1 Engineers
11.IE,AUST(オーストラリア工学会)The Institution of Engineers, Australia
12.IEA (シンガポール工学会)The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
13.IEB(バングラデシュ工学会)The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
14.IEI(インド工学会)The Institution of Engineers (India)
15.IEM(マレーシア工学会)The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
16.IEP (パキスタン工学会)The Institution of Engineers Pakistan
17.KSCE (大韓土木学会)Korean Society or Civi1 Engineers
18.MACE (モンゴル土木学会)Mongolian Association of Civil Engineers
19.PICE (フィリピン土木学会)Philippine Institute of Civi1 Engineers, Inc.
20.SVR (スウェーデン土木構造工学会)Swedish Society of Civil and Structura1 Engineers
21.TCCE(トルコ土木学会)Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers
22.VCA(ベトナム建設協会)Vietnam Construction Association
