国際会議「International Conference on Disaster Management 2012」 ----案内--------------------------- 国際的大学コンソーシアムであるThe International Institute for Infrastructure, Renewal and Reconstruction (IIIRR)の国際会議が防災をテーマに熊本市で開催されます。   会議名 : International Conference on Disaster Management 2012   開催期間: 2012年8月24日〜26日   開催場所: 熊本県熊本市, 熊本交通センターホテル   応募期限: 2012年1月10日(火)まで(アブストラクト提出) 現在、参加申し込みとしてアブストラクト(150〜300語)の投稿を受け付けております。 詳細は下記のウェブサイトをご覧ください。 http://www.civil.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/kakimoto/iiirr/1_IIIRR_Top.html ご質問等がございましたら、iiirr@kumamoto-u.ac.jpまでご連絡ください。 奮ってご参加のほど,お願い申し上げます. ----英文での案内--------------------------- We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the "International Conference on Disaster Management 2012" organized by the International Institute for Infrastructure, Renewal and Reconstruction (IIIRR), which will be held from 24-26 August 2012 in Kumamoto, Japan. The following conference topics are encouraged: - Hazard mitigation, emergency response and recovery planning - Socio-economic strategies for disaster risk reduction - Social vulnerability - Database and data models development - Transportation systems - Critical infrastructure - Information systems - Natural and technological (Natech) disasters - Other topics related to disaster management You may visit the conference web site at http://www.civil.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/kakimoto/iiirr/1_IIIRR_Top.html A call for abstracts is now open. Please submit your abstract (150 to 300 words) to iiirr@kumamoto-u.ac.jp The format of the abstract is attached. Deadline for abstract submission: January 10 2012 Important Dates: 2012 January 10 Deadline for abstracts January 20 Notification of acceptance of abstracts February 25 Deadline for full papers for the proceedings April 14 Notification of acceptance of full papers May 26 Deadline for revised papers for the proceedings June 30 Deadline for registration August 24-26 Conference If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at iiirr@kumamoto-u.ac.jp We kindly ask you to distribute among your colleagues, and research partners who you think might be interested. We are looking forward to having your attendance and participation.