--------------------------ICTTS2010-------------------------- INTRODUCTION The Seventh International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies (ICTTS’2010) will be held in Kunming, a beautiful garden city in southwestern China, on August 3-5, 2010. Following the style of the past conferences, the Conference will be found to be an excellent forum for transportation scholars and professionals around the world to present, discuss and exchange views and experiences about recent developments in the area of transportation studies. It will also provide the opportunities of exploring key issues, innovative technologies, and future prospects for transportation system studies. TOPICS The following topics are recommended by the International Scientific Committee of ICTTS’2010. You are encouraged to propose other topics, sessions, and panel discussions related to the theme of the Conference.  Transportation Policy, Environment and Sustainability  Transport Planning and Operations  Traffic Flow Models with Applications  ITS and Innovative Technologies  Transportation Issues in Developing Countries  Pavement Materials and Management Systems IMPORTANT DATES September 20,2009 -----Submission of Abstracts September 30,2009 -----Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts January 10,2010 -----Submission of Full Papers February 15,2010 -----Notification of Acceptance of Papers March 10,2010 ----- Submission of Final Full Papers GUIDLINE Those who wish to present a paper at this Conference are invited to send an extended abstract in English of about 1500 words with 4-6 key words outlining the major points to be covered by the submission deadline, September 20, 2009. Submissions should be made through the conference website at http://www.ictts.net. It will guide you stepwise thorough the submission process. If the submission cannot be made successfully, it is available to send by email (bhmao@bjtu.edu.cn). SELECTION OF PAPERS The selection of final papers to be included in the Proceedings are based on the following criteria: all papers must be original contributions and not previously published, nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere; paper should deal with transportation related topics; the innovative features of the analysis and experience will be an important criterion in judging the paper’s quality, and, well organized practical information and/or statistics together with a practical policy/project application will be highly evaluated. LANGUAGE Working language of the Conference is English. Papers must be written and presented in English for inclusion in the Proceedings and oral presentation.