2009年01月29日   EASTS2009スラバヤ大会の論文の〆切 EASTS2009スラバヤ大会の論文の〆切り(1月29日(木)14:00)が,一週間後に迫っ て参りました.〆切り間際ですと,混雑のため投稿できない恐れもありますので,余 裕を持って提出なさるように,お願い申し上げます. 詳細は,以下のURLをご覧下さい. http://www.trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/easts_isc/ISC_top.html 投稿状況を大連大会の時と比べると,現時点では日本からの投稿が少ないよう なので,奮ってご投稿いただくよう,重ねてお願い申し上げます. Dear EASTS members, We would like to inform you that the website for submission of the Academic Papers for the EASTS 2009 conference has opened. http://www.trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/easts_isc/ISC_top.html The deadline of submission for the Academic Papers (draft full paper) is January 29, 2009 (at 14:00, Japan Standard Time). For more details, please visit the above website. Important dates for Academic Papers Deadline of submission of Academic Papers: Jan. 29, 2009 (at 14:00, Japan Standard Time) Notification of acceptance of Academic Papers: Jun. 11, 2009 Deadline of submission of revised full papers: Jul. 23, 2009 (at 14:00, Japan Standard Time) Deadline of registration of presenters: Jul. 24, 2009 Notification of acceptance of revised papers: Aug. 28, 2009 Conference at Surabaya, Indonesia: Oct. 19-22, 2009 EASTS has another paper category; Practical Paper. The submission website for the practical papers will open in April 2, 2009.