2009年03月25日   インフラマネジメントに関する国際セミナー 東京大学グローバルCOEプログラム「都市空間の持続再生学の展開」では, International Seminar on Urban Infrastructure Management(インフラマネジメントに関する国際セミナー) を下記のとおり開催いたします.是非ともご参加いただきますよう,ご案内申し上げます. ※また,翌3月26日にも,関連したワークショップを予定しております.詳細は追ってご案内させていただきますが,こちらも合わせて ご参加いただけると幸いです. ********************************************************** "International Seminar on Urban Infrastructure Management" Sustainable development of urban system requires keeping good condition of infrastructure. Technologies with regard to sensing, deterioration predicting, maintenance financing and policy evaluation are important elements for urban infrastructure management. The international seminar aims to understand the frontier of urban infrastructure management and to develop new disciplines by gathering multi research fields. Variety of topics such as engineering methodology of asset management, disaster prevention and recovery, energy policy and economic issues for infrastructure management are to be discussed. Date: March 25, 2009 (Wed) (開催日:平成21年3月25日(水)) Venue: Lecure Room 15, Faculty of Engineering Bldg.1, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN (会場:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部1号館15号講義室) Access Map: http://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/etpage/access/ Map of Hongo Campus (Faculty of Engineering Bldg.1) http://www-e.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/contact/index.html Organizer: Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (cSUR), The University of Tokyo Secretariat: Tomoki ISHIKURA (ishikura@csur.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) (お問い合わせ先: 東京大学工学系研究科都市持続再生研究センター(社会基盤学専攻) 石倉智樹 e-mail:ishikura@csur.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp tel&fax 03-5841-0566) Program: 10:00-10:15 Opening address: “Expectation to Asset Management and Some Issues in Japan” Yozo FUJINO (The University of Tokyo) Part I: Seminar Session 1 and Keynote Lecture (chair: Muneta YOKOMATSU) 10:15-10:45 “Infrastructure Maintenance Technology and Urban Economic Growth” Tomoki ISHIKURA (The University of Tokyo) 10:45-11:15 “Disaggregated Hazard Rates Evaluation and Bench-marking for Infrastructure Asset Management” Kiyoyuki KAITO (Osaka University) 11:15-12:15 Keynote Lecture 1 “Lessons learned from Wenchuan Earthquake - Strategy and tactics of quick recovery from large-scale earthquake damage” Zifa WANG (National Administration of Earthquake) Part II Keynote Lecture (chair: Takayuki UEDA) 13:30-14:30 Keynote Lecture 2 “Revisiting Infrastructure Maintenance Marginal Cost Pricing” Samer MADANAT (University of California, Berkeley) 14:30-15:30 Keynote Lecture 3 “A Hidden Markov Deterioration Model with Measurement Errors” Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University) Part III: Seminar Session 2 (chair: Tomoki ISHIKURA) 15:45-16:15 “Integrated earthquake simulation - current state and future prospective” Muneo HORI (The University of Tokyo) 16:15-16:45 “The Multi-Sector Open-Economy Model with Stochastic Energy Price” Muneta YOKOMATSU (Kyoto University and The University of Tokyo) 16:45-17:15 “Long-Term and Macroscopic Views for Infrastructure Policy and Management: Research Agenda” Takayuki UEDA (The University of Tokyo) 17:15-17:20 Closing Remarks Koichi MAEKAWA (The University of Tokyo) 17:30 Reception