企画論文門 セッション企画テーマおよび概要 (29)





Silence and Transportation Planning


交通計画における「沈黙」を様々な角度から議論したい.一つは,社会調査における調査不能者の問題である.個人情報への関心の高まりなどにより,PT調査等における回答率の激減が深刻な問題になりつつある.沈黙する回答者という観点から今後の社会調査のあり方を議論したい.二つ目は,いわゆる沈 黙のらせん問題である.社会的合意が形成されていく過程で,本当はものを言いたいのに,長いものに巻かれていく現状をどうすれば変えていけるのか,実践的な議論を深めたい.三つ目に,合意形成過程でのサイレント層の位置づけ(提案に賛成だから 黙っているのか,自分に降りかかるかもしれない影響に気づかず無関心でいるだけなのか,など)を明確にすることも重要である.この問題については,社会実験をひとつの手がかりとして考えていきたい.       


This session deals with various types of “silence” related to transportation planning. We propose three view points. The first is the non-response in social surveys. The decline of response rates in Person Trip surveys has been a serious issue. From the view point of “silent respondent”, we would like to discuss a future direction of social surveys in the field of transportation. The second is an issue of so-called “spiral of silence”. The words explain a situation where some individuals can not state their opinions because of a thought of “yield to the powerful”. It is expected that practical ways to break down the situation in consensus building processes will be proposed. The third is the position of the “silent group” in consensus building processes. We have to consider that why they are silent and how they can be included in planning; are they agree with the proposal?; are they indifferent because they do not recognize what will happen to them when the plan is realized? About this issue, we will focus on the roles of “social experiment”.